onsdag 12 maj 2010

Another study!

Just started doing the lines for my next study, trying to draw it all out, nose, mouth etc. Tomorrow ill do a quick planar study then ill render it yay!
I bought a massive black download on female portature a while ago, going to watch it again before I do anything more on this. I did 2 hours of firgure drawing today too, altough I got no scanner so those sketchess will go straight to the archive xD

Still sick, had a lecture with a guy from dice today, inspiering yeah.


1 kommentar:

  1. Inspiring as hell! Oh draw the whole upper body to get the proportions, because the face seems to big and if you add more things to compare it with then you can make it more accurate. A couple of those and you'll be able to nail it without doing the larger picture. ^^

    Swedish on:
    Vi borde hitta hans portfolio och kanske länka till honom, skön kille!
